Monday, June 18, 2018

How can I accept the Bible when it contradicts science?

Both the Bible and science are true, but in different ways. The Bible contains the truths of faith necessary for our salvation. Science discovers truths of how the world exists in all its amazing splendor. The Bible offers salvation history, stories about real people and real events and how God interacts with them. Science explains the forces of nature; how atoms and elements and chemicals and energy interact that allow us to live in a created world. The Bible is a part of God’s Revelation to us using the understanding of the people to whom God revealed himself, the Jews and the early Christians. Science is a part of our effort to understand the world that God gave us.

The Bible is not a science book; it doesn’t try to explain things using the scientific method. It shows us the love of God. Actually, science developed because of the Christian attitude that if God created the world, then we need to know more about the world that God created. Science is a joyous endeavor to discover the mysteries of the universe. God wants us to know, love, and serve him. He also wants us to know about our world; otherwise he would not have created us with intellect and curiosity. The Bible and science do not contradict each other; truth cannot contradict truth. Rather we have to interpret the Bible and interpret science for what they are meant for. Read more in the Catechism, par. 337-349 about the visible world.

Know your faith. Live your faith. Teach your faith.

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