Sunday, September 23, 2018

What was Vatican II and why is it important?

Every now and then, all the bishops of the world get together with the pope, which is called an ecumenical council, and talk about issues that are important for the faith, for the Church, and for the world. The last time this happened was in 1962-1965, at the event called Vatican II. It is called that because it was the second time a council met in the Vatican.

Pope St. John XXIII called the council, as St. John Paul II writes, “to guard and present better the precious deposit of Christian doctrine in order to make it more accessible to the Christian faithful and to all people of good will.” (Fidei depositum)

To that end, Vatican II issued sixteen documents on all sorts of topics, including worship, Revelation, the Church, the world, and more. The Catechism is a direct result of Vatican II and quotes it extensively. Vatican II taught the truth in a new way: “For this deposit of faith, or truths which are contained in our time-honored teaching is one thing; the manner in which these truths are set forth (with their meaning preserved intact) is something else.”

Read more about Vatican II in the Apostolic Constitution, “On the Publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church” at the front of the Catechism.

Know your faith. Live your faith. Teach your faith.

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